Why Stone Point Capital: Interviews, Careers, & Portfolio

Decide if Stone Point Capital is right for you as we uncover their hiring process & sector focus

Stone Point Capital Overview

Stone Point Capital is an alternative investment management firm based in Greenwich, CT, with assets under management of over $45 million.

The firm tends to target companies in the global financial services industry and other related sectors. They invest in alternative asset classes and private equity through their Trident Funds.

Stone Point Capital manages liquid and private credit funds, including managed accounts.

The investment approach and criteria of Stone Point Capital are as follows:

  • Industry Focus – invests in 10 major financial services verticals for added value.
  • Lifecycle Flexibility – partners at all business stages, fostering mutual growth.
  • Investment Size – targets $75M to $750M equity investments, flexible in size.
  • Ownership Positions – adaptable ownership stakes, from minority to majority positions.
  • Investment Period – long-term approach spanning 5 to 10+ years.
  • Leverage – uses leverage judiciously, aligning with the company’s strategy.

Stone Point Capital is led by Stephen Friedman, Charles A. Davis, and Meryl D.

Stone Point Capital logo

Stone Point Capital AUM

According to the latest regulatory filings, Stone Point Capital has $44.6 billion in assets under management as of March 31, 2023.

Stone Point Capital Interview Process & Questions

Firms can make modifications in their interview process for each candidate. However, when you interview at Stone Point Capital (or similar firms), you can expect the following:

  • Around 4-6 rounds of interviews
  • Junior investment professionals supervise the initial rounds, while the senior staff handle the later phase of the interview.
  • The whole process can take multiple weeks – unless it’s an on-cycle or on-campus recruiting

Interviews at Stone Point Capital will be a mixture of a set of questions: fit, behavioral, and technical / investing.

Need help preparing for interviews? My Growth Equity Interview Guide is right for you.

Why Stone Point Capital

The most common question you’ll receive during interviews is “Why this firm”.

If you’ve done networking prior to your interviews, this is your chance to mention whoever you’ve met and how they’ve positively influenced your decision to apply at their firm.

Also, I would recommend learning more about the firm. A great way to do this is to listen to interviews with its founders, investors, and employees.

To start, here’s an interview with Jarryd Levine, Managing Director at Stone Point Capital:

YouTube video

More interviews

Stone Point Capital Case Study

Case studies almost always show up during interviews at firms like Stone Point Capital. The reason is firms use case studies to evaluate each candidate’s technical and communication skills – both crucial to investor’s success.

Most case studies revolve around investment recommendations and financial modeling. But for junior roles, cold calling case study may also be required.

For case study preparation, check out my Growth Equity Interview Guide.

Stone Point Capital Salary & Compensation

According to Glassdoor, an analyst at Stone Point Capital makes around $111,634 per year, while an associate can earn around $138,154 annually. These figures represent the median and still depend on several factors like experience, education, and skills.


Stone Point Capital salary


Stone Point Capital salary

Based on other public records, recent associates at Stone Point have a base salary of $150,000 per year, while no recent record for analyst hires.

Stone Point Capital salary

Stone Point Capital Careers, Jobs, & Internships

To see the most recent open roles at Stone Point Capital, visit our job board which features promising opportunities for them and other growth / VC firms.

Stone Point Capital Portfolio & Investments

According to Crunchbase, Stone Point Capital has made 73 investments across nine funds. Some of their notable deals include Covr Financial Technologies, IEQ Capital, and Lincoln Property Company.

Notable Transaction: Businessolver

Businessolver provides a platform which helps businesses manage their employee benefits, streamline HR processes, and improve their workforce dynamics through personalized experience.

The main clients of Businessolver are businesses that need more effective benefits administration solutions.

In December 2021, Businessolver announced that the funds handled by Stone Point Capital made a majority investment in the Company – with participation from existing investors JMI Equity and Warburg Pincus.

Businessolver aims to boost their tech advancements such as the Personalized Navigation solutions which improves the consumer benefits experience.

Also, the newly-found partnership allows Businessolver to attract the best talent in the industry and expand their engineering and data science teams which ultimately helps the Company to keep on innovating and increasing footprint in the US.

Next Steps

Stone Point Capital is an excellent firm to build your career in finance. If you want to be part of their team, you have to stand out during your interviews. For that, I would recommend my Growth Equity Interview Guide which is a self-paced online course designed to teach you the critical topics such as case study, financial modeling, and many more. Check it out and start learning today!

Article by

Mike Hinckley

Mike is the founder of Growth Equity Interview Guide. He has 10+ years of growth/VC investing (General Atlantic, Velocity) and portfolio company operating experience (Airbnb).  He’s helped *literally* thousands of professionals land roles at top investing firms.

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Mike Hinckley

Founder of Growth Equity Interview Guide


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