
Why G2 Venture Partners: Interviews, Careers, & Portfolio

Know G2 Venture Partners’ investment record, opportunities and compensation, and interview process
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    G2 Venture Partners Overview

    G2 Venture Partners (also referred to as “G2VP”) is a venture capital firm which supports and invests in emerging tech companies that “digitize” the traditional industries and promote market transformation.

    The firm focuses on industries such as logistics, manufacturing, energy, agriculture, and transportation.

    G2VP noticed the digitization trend worldwide where industries transition from the traditional analog to digital work process – so they grabbed this opportunity to create value and economic growth.

    Ben Kortlang, Daniel Oros, David Mount, and Brook Porter founded G2 Venture Partners in 2016 while they were all working together as Senior Partners at Kleiner Perkins.

    The firm is currently based in Portola Valley, California.

    G2 Venture Partners logo

    G2 Venture Partners AUM

    As of writing, there’s no publicly available information regarding G2 Venture Partners’ assets under management.

    G2 Venture Partners Interview Process & Questions

    The interview process will not be exactly the same for all candidates. However, if you interview at G2 Venture Partners, you’ll most likely go through a series of 4 to 6 interview rounds. For the first few rounds, the HR team or junior investment professionals will be in charge, while the more senior staff take over in the later stages.

    Prepare to answer a combination of behavioral, technical / investing, and fit questions. Also, expect that the whole interview process will last for several weeks – unless it’s “on-cycle” or “on-campus” recruiting.

    If you need help getting ready for such interviews, check out my Growth Equity Interview Guide.

    Why G2 Venture Partners

    “Why this firm” will most likely show up in your interviews. It’s important to avoid providing generic answers to this question.

    To do so, you can tell the interviewer that you’ve met a few professionals working at the firm and their positive experience and growth have motivated you to apply.

    Also, it’s a good practice to research the firm. One of the best ways to do this is by listening to interviews with its founders, investors, or leadership team.

    For example, here’s an interview with Valerie Shen, Partner and Chief Operating Officer at G2 Venture Partners:

    YouTube video

    More Interviews

    G2 Venture Partners Case Study

    Case studies almost always show up during the interview process. Firms make use of case studies to see how candidates effectively communicate and measure their level of technical knowledge.

    At firms like G2 Venture Partners, case studies typically require applicants to perform financial modeling and recommend investments. But for junior roles, a cold calling case study may be included in the process as well.

    For case study preparation, I suggest taking a look at my Growth Equity Interview Guide.

    G2 Venture Partners Salary & Compensation

    According to Glassdoor, G2 Venture Partners provide (median) salary of $133K per year to their investors. Salary still depends on the individual’s experience, educational background, and other factors that G2VP considers. Meanwhile, there’s no recent data available particularly for analysts and associates hires.


    G2 Venture Partners salary

    G2 Venture Partners Careers, Jobs, & Internships

    To see what roles are currently open at G2 Venture Partners, or any similar investment firms, head over to our job board.

    G2 Venture Partners Portfolio & Investments

    According to Crunchbase, G2 Venture Partners has made 43 investments with 19 lead investments. Some of their notable deals include Locus Robotics, Waabi, and Arcadia.

    Notable Transaction: Relay

    Relay is a solution which was created particularly for frontline workers in the hospitality, education, healthcare, warehousing, manufacturing, and facilities management sectors.

    With the help of Relay, team members can quickly notify relevant staff, provide the exact location of the incident, and communicate in case something happens.

    In June 2024, Relay announced that they have successfully secured $35 million in Series B funding.

    G2 Venture Partners led the investment round with participation from Sovereign’s Capital and Wind River Ventures.

    Relay plans to use the new capital for market expansion and product development.

    Next Steps

    If you’re planning to send an application to G2 Venture Partners (or similar investment firms) I’d suggest checking out my Growth Equity Interview Guide.

    This online course will help you get a better understanding of the concepts that typically show up during interviews like financial modeling, case studies, and more.

    Start learning today and increase your interview success rate!


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    Mike Hinckley

    Founder of Growth Equity Interview Guide


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